Online Circle Time

Lennon met with his friends virtually today in online circle time through Tinkergarten.

We’ve been a part of Tinkergarten classes since they started in the valley, but always in-person. I knew virtual wasn’t going to be Lennon’s jam. We had tried other classes like gymnastics through Zoom and it just doesn’t work for him.

But then they offered scholarships. Technically I didn’t have a financial need, but I did have a financial want. Trying to justify an $80 expense when you know your kid isn’t going to get much out of it just wasn’t worth it to me, but I still wanted him to have the experience. So, I applied. To ease my guilt, I applied for a half scholarship instead of the full one. Let someone else have a chance – LOL.

And we got it!

We had to miss the first two sessions because of other obligations. Technically Kenny could have done it with Lennon, but Kenny hated in-person Tinkergarten so I’m sure he’d hate virtual even more.

I should note it wasn’t the program he hated. It was how Lennon was so difficult for him to control or get to partake in activities that he hated. Kenny struggles quite a bit with Lennon’s public nuances and it usually results in him just picking Lennon up and holding him.

Todays supplies: Nature findings and an egg carton.

While Lennon may not have been following along I think he did amazing. I did hand over hand with him for the initial greetings and the “Come to Tinkergarten” song which he seemed to enjoy.

Then, it was time to play with our nature treasures. I had collected a few for Lennon before class and gave them to him one at a time to explore. This palm leaf was his favorite.

Most of the other items were ignored or thrown to the ground, but this palm leaf entertained him for the remainder of class.

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